The most exciting thing about this world is its ever changing quality.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Comfortable zone

Comfortable zone as a keyword has turned up in various conversations in the last few weeks. It means spiritually or consciously, domains which we will feel confident, have the ability to put things under control. It is always a nice position to be in terms of stress level or pressure. Subconsciously, we have a tendency to get close to this zone as much as possible, where we have senses of belonging and not feel lost.

Opposing to get to comfortable zone as soon and as close as possible, some of us deliberately choose the other way, which we call exploration. Why?

Being in one's comfortable zone often often means that no or very little efforts is required for one to sustain his position and assume superiority (not necessary in ranking terms). This could easily lead to a lost of sight and also motivations to develop. I also believe that this would nurture arrogance, false and even illusive belief in himself or things and people around. Since there is limited amount of challenges, the only way to get out is a break from where is too cozy for a fighting spirit, hoping to explore new colonies and build up new comfortable zones, some would argue. Surely to do this, extraordinary courage and confidence are needed as the uncertainty within uncomfortable zones will come with greater risks. Continuously jumping out from one's comfortable zone requires tenacious mind and superb capability (to secure new skills).

Some says that there are people skipping through all sorts of stuff without achieving anything for real. Indeed, we have to differentiate the intention of to move out from comfortable zone from the one to always look for way out or shortcut. In fact you would find there wasn't a comfortable zone established in the first place.

While I was discussing product ideas with one of my friends, we both realised that most of the time we have cast our eyes on those with which we are quite comfortable. So instead of looking for real problems and potentially profitable solutions, our starting point has been mostly from where we think it's easy and quick for us to come up with something. Admittedly, early wins need demonstrability and all that. Somewhere along the line, we have already lost our sights because clinching to where we are comfortable. Those which are too risky or too strange to us will be dismissed at subconscious level straightaway. Whereas in fact, greater the risk, bigger the reward. It seems to make sense we should start thinking about this problem with slightly different angle.

Fossil evidence shows dinosaurs extinct from earth after the catastrophic changes in the atmosphere and temperature (which some indicate causing by extraneous effects). However, mammals survive as they have the ability to adapt to the unfamiliar environment and prosper in this planet eventually. Sometimes moving out from comfortable zone is not only nice to do, but absolutely necessary, living or death - we all know how the frog fails to save itself by staying warm cozy water which gets boiling hot in the end.

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