This applies to both makers and managers. Being relentless is not much a stand out quality itself as you might spend days in doing stuff which does not generate any valuable deliverable. Many would refer this as 'political gesture', especially useful when your behavior has direct impact on external stake holders' expectation. Being relentless also sometimes go with a subtle truth - we do not really know what we are doing, and do not really care, just do stuff and look busy may just be enough to secure the tiny roles we have.
Having said all these, being relentless would be an outstanding quality if the person is resourceful in the same time. Whether it is an engineering problem which is new to everyone or a balance point in resource allocation difficult to negotiate. Being resourceful does not come with total reliance on gut feeling, instinct, although they are very important when people actually know what they are talking about. The instinct or sudden flash of old memory somewhere around the corner might just be enough to give away the clue to the solution. Being resourceful normally also does not imply the individual has to be old enough to have tons of life time stories to tell people with. Sometimes it is about sensitivity. It always amazes me how much we can appreciate with every bits going on around us, if we really open up our sensors in the system.
Relentlessly resourceful individual will deliver, and will always be the direction where people fall on to when there is an urgent situation. If they have a calm personality or willing to spend conscious efforts to remain cool under panic situation, they will be the natural leader you need to look out for in the organisation. In fact, most time, what a bunch of skillful people need is not the answer to the question, but a path or a plan of attack. In reality, there is every opportunity we will become headless chicken and pass the hard nut to someone else's should, if we can find one.
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