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Monday, July 06, 2009

Test coverage and online collaboration

A quick note just incase my brain is stuffed with rubbish some day.

All free.

  • Online collaboration and whiteboard tools:

To share code snippet quickly: dpaste

To share code within Visual Studio 2008, 2010: Dashboard Extension

Browser based whiteboard: Imaginationcubed (You cannot get better than this! :-))

Client app based: mikogo, Dimdim or just do twittering

  • Testing coverage tool

NCover or PartCover for C# (work nicely with NUnit)


GCOV and lcov (come with linux distribution) for gcc

xCover for both C/C++

Not free: BullseyeCoverage, Testwell CTC++, CoverageMeter, Rational PureCoverage or Test RealTime Coverage

1 comment:

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